Starting the network
By using, recording, referencing, or downloading (i.e., any “action”) any information contained on this page or in any dYdX Trading Inc. ("dYdX") database, you hereby and thereby agree to the v4 Terms of Use (opens in a new tab) and Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) governing such information, and you agree that such action establishes a binding agreement between you and dYdX.
Downloading genesis.json
After the gentx
collection process is complete, the dYdX team will announce in the #v-dydx-public-testnet-updates
channel that the finalized genesis.json
file is ready for download.
Download genesis.json
file into $HOME_TESTNET_4
, replacing the previous genesis.json
# Run at root of `v4-testnets`.
export HOME_TESTNET_4=<your dir>
git checkout main
git pull origin main
cp dydx-testnet-4/genesis.json $HOME_TESTNET_4/config/genesis.json
Feel free to inspect the content of the genesis.json
file, and let us know if there’s any questions/concerns.
Get Latest Binary
💡💡💡 We have published a newer v0.4.0
binary (link (opens in a new tab)) in our now public repository dydxprotocol/v4-chain
. This is different from the binary used for gentx
submission process. Please make ensure you use this newer binary to avoid consensus failure. 💡💡💡
export BINARY_VERSION="v0.4.0"
# Choose a platform. Supported: linux-amd64, linux-arm64
export DYDX_PLATFORM="linux-amd64"
Put binary under $PATH
tar -xvzf dydxprotocold-$BINARY_VERSION-${DYDX_PLATFORM}.tar.gz
mkdir -p "${HOME}/local/bin"
export PATH="${HOME}/local/bin:$PATH"
cp build/dydxprotocold-$BINARY_VERSION-${DYDX_PLATFORM} "${HOME}/local/bin/dydxprotocold"
rm -R build
Check that the binary version is correct:
dydxprotocold version --long
The output should look like this (make sure the version
and commit
is correct):
commit: a814748dfb39dc70302becbca95c19606e3bab8e
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.47.3
go: go version go1.19.9 <platform>
name: dydxprotocol
server_name: dydxprotocold
version: 0.4.0
[💡💡💡IMPORTANT:💡💡💡] Verify Config
See this requirement section to correctly configure the node.
In $HOME_TESTNET_4/config/config.toml
, check that timeout_commit
value under is equal to
timeout_commit = "500ms"
In $HOME_TESTNET_4/config/app.toml
, update the minium-gas-prices
variable to accept adv4tnt
(1e-18 dv4tnt
minimum-gas-prices = "0.025ibc/8E27BA2D5493AF5636760E354E46004562C46AB7EC0CC4C1CA14E9E20E2545B5,25000000000adv4tnt"
In $HOME_TESTNET_4/config/app.toml
, enable grpc. The Cosmos gRPC service is used by various daemon processes, and must be enabled in order for the protocol to operate:
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
In addition, non-standard gRPC ports are not supported at this time. Please run on port 9090, which is the default port specified in the config file:
# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = ""
Note that grpc can be also be configured via start flags. Be careful not to change the default settings with either
of the following flags: --grpc.enable
, --grpc.address
[💡💡💡IMPORTANT:💡💡💡] Configure Ethereum RPC Endpoint
See this requirement section to correctly configure the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
Starting the Node
💡💡💡The testnet genesis is 17:00 UTC (13:00 ET), Tuesday 10/17/2023. Please complete the following instructions by this time.💡💡💡
Option 1: Run dydxprotocold
Run dydxprotocold
and connect to the seed node. The seed node info can be found here:
dydxprotocold start --p2p.seeds="<comma separated seed nodes>" --home="$HOME_TESTNET_4" --bridge-daemon-eth-rpc-endpoint="<eth rpc endpoint>"
Note: the seed node IP for testnet #3 is different from testnet #2.
Option 2: Run dydxprotocold
with cosmovisor
Install and initialize cosmovisor
with instructions here. To make sure cosmovisor
is initialized with the correct binary, run the following to binary version:
cosmovisor run version --long
The output should look like this (make sure the version
is consistent):
commit: a814748dfb39dc70302becbca95c19606e3bab8e
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.47.3
go: go version go1.19.9 <platform>
name: dydxprotocol
server_name: dydxprotocold
version: 0.4.0
Run dydxprotocold
with cosmovisor
and connect to the seed node.
cosmovisor run start --p2p.seeds="<comma separated seed nodes>" --home="$HOME_TESTNET_4" --bridge-daemon-eth-rpc-endpoint="<eth rpc endpoint>"
Backup: Start the network with Persistent Peers
Validators are also encouraged to share their IPs in #v-dydx-public-testnet-discussion and use each other as persistent peers. Each p2p.persistent_peers are separated by comma and use the format <node_id>@<public_ip_address>:<port>
To find your node id, run
dydxprotocold tendermint show-node-id
Sanity Check
Once the binary is started, you should see the following line:
This node is a validator module=consensus addr=xxxxxxxxxx
If you see This node is not a validator
instead, please let us know.
You should also see that the binary is sleeping until genesis time:
Genesis time is in the future. Sleeping until then...
While the binary is sleeping, some occasional errors from the price daemon are expected. If you see any critical error (e.g. the app is crashing), please let us know.
Checking Node Status (After Genesis Time)
Tendermint RPC (documentation (opens in a new tab)) provides a REST-like interface for querying the status node. To access this interface, you can execute the following command on your local machine: curl localhost:26657/<uri>
. Alternatively, you can access it via a web browser by navigating to <public_ip_address>:26657
. Note that this can only be accessed after the genesis time when the node wakes up. Some useful links:
# Check your node block height
curl localhost:26657/status
# Check network connection
curl localhost:26657/net_info
# Query info about application state
curl localhost:26657/abci_info
Additionally, the dydxprotocold
binary inherits most of the standard Cosmos SDK modules which can be queried.
To see the current validator active set:
dydxprotocold query staking validator <validator_address>
dydxprotocold query staking validator dydxvaloper199tqg4wdlnu4qjlxchpd7seg454937hjxg9yhy
To track your validator’s signing history:
dydxprotocold query slashing signing-info $(dydxprotocold tendermint show-validator)